Dec 10, 2016 ADDITIONAL UNITS MOD (AUM-EMP) 3.7 - adds 90 custom units, 32 custom ships, 4 Field Marshalls and 63 ORNAMENTUM units to Empire Total War. Four AUM versions are available: DarthMod, A Proper Empire:Terra Incognita, Imperial Splendor and vanilla standard.
24-pounder frigateDescription: this type of frigates is ideal for whose who want to use some fast and well armed ship. It's firepower is somewhere between Fourth Rate Ship of the Line and Fifth Rate Ship of the Line, but it moves a lot of faster and its more agile.Fleets: Thirteen Colonies Admiral's Flagship, 1st RateDescription: a huge unit that has a very long shooting range and enormous firepower. It has a lot of cannons and the crew is very numerous - that means it can fight with almost every known navy unit. It has, however, two major disadvantages: very big price and low speed.Fleets: France, Spain, Ottoman Empire, Marat Confederation, Prussia, Republic of Poland, Sweden, Great Britain Admiral's Flagship, 3rd RateDescription: good ship for the good price. It can destroy almost every enemy unit, but remember that you have to secure its stern with other ships. Do not put this vessel as a last one in the line astern formation.Fleets: Austria, France, Spain, Ottoman Empire, Marat Confederation, Prussia, Republic of Poland, Sweden, Great Britain Admiral's Flagship, 5th RateDescription: it is a decent ship. Slightly worse than Fourth Rate Ship of the Line but it's faster and more agile.
As with the rest of the navy units - its battle value is worth its price.Fleets: Austria, France, Spain, Ottoman Empire, Marat Confederation, Prussia, Republic of Poland, Sweden, Great Britain Bomb KetchDescription: Explosive Shells needed. This vessel is very weak. It has only 6 cannons on the side and the durability isn't high. However it is equipped with a very good weapon - it can throw grenades to the enemy ship. As a matter of fact it can damage it and decimate its crew.
The problem is that the reloading time is quite high - you must send many of them to the battle or use them only as a support.Fleets: Austria, France, Spain, Ottoman Empire, Marat Confederation, Prussia, Republic of Poland, Sweden, Thirteen Colonies, Great Britain BrigDescription: a very good ship at the beginning of the game. It is very cheap and you will be able to win couple of first battles. You must be careful, however. Develop your navy because your opponents can leave you behind very quickly. Then brigs wouldn't be enough for them.Fleets: Austria, France, Spain, Ottoman Empire, Marat Confederation, Prussia, Republic of Poland, Sweden, Thirteen Colonies, Great Britain Carronade FrigateDescription: Cannonade needed.
It is a very weak and expensive vessel. It has a longer shooting range than brig, worse firepower and the price is much more higher. Its advantage is the durability of the hull. I do not recommend to build many of that ships.
They can be used only as a support for stronger vessels.Fleets: Austria, France, Spain, Ottoman Empire, Marat Confederation, Prussia, Republic of Poland, Sweden, Thirteen Colonies, Great Britain DhowDescription: a very small and weak ship - it can be used only as a trade vessel. It has only four big cannons so it is a very easy target even for the weak enemy units. Dhow must be always supported by the stronger ship. Try not to use them in battles.Fleets: Ottoman Empire, Marat Confederation Fifth RateDescription: this is a good ship, but only when they have to fight against weak units (like brigs or sloops).
When you have them at the beginning of the game then all naval battles will be very simple. Later just change them with stronger units.Fleets: Austria, France, Spain, Ottoman Empire, Marat Confederation, Prussia, Republic of Poland, Sweden, Thirteen Colonies, Great Britain First Rate Ship of the LineDescription: great but also very expensive ships.
They are very durable, crew is numerous and they are equipped with lots of cannons. There is only one problem: they are depended on wind and in the age of steam ships it may cause some troubles.
However I must recommend you this vessel: buy it when you have enough money.Fleets: Austria, France, Spain, Ottoman Empire, Marat Confederation, Prussia, Republic of Poland, Sweden, Thirteen Colonies, Great Britain FluytDescription: trade ship that is much more expensive than Indiaman, but the stats are almost the same. It can defend itself but in case of the huge attack it will need a support.Fleets: Netherlands Fourth Rate Ship of the LineDescription: it is good to eliminate small units (like brigs). They cannot fight very effectively with stronger ships (for example Third Rate Ship of The Line) but they can be a great support (especially at the beginning of the game).Fleets: Austria, France, Spain, Ottoman Empire, Marat Confederation, Prussia, Republic of Poland, Sweden, Thirteen Colonies, Great Britain GalleonDescription: from all trade ships galleons have the best weapons in the game. Moreover their crew can be consisted of 200 men.
As a matter of fact they can be used in normal battles (they are somewhere between the Fourth Rate Ship of the Line and the Third Rate Ship of the Line). The have two significant disadvantages: low speed and hull durability.Fleets: Spain GalleyDescription: slightly better than Light Galley. It has more cannons but still is almost useless in many battles. You can use them to transport your agents and troops. When the route is safe, of course.Fleets: Austria, Ottoman Empire, Prussia, Republic of Poland, Sweden Heavy First RateDescription: It is a very huge and powerful ship.
Total War Empire
I think it will be enough to say that it has 122 cannons on its board. As a matter of fact it is a real nightmare for the enemy fleet. You should be careful with it however - because of its speed. Try to protect its bow and stern with smaller boats.Fleets: Austria, France, Spain, Prussia, Republic of Poland, Sweden, Thirteen Colonies, Great Britain IndiamanDescription: this ship can be used mostly to trade with your colonies. If you don't have these units there is no point in going to Asia, Africa or both Americas.
Indiamans can defend themselves but only from the smaller units (like galleys, sloops and brigs).Fleets: Austria, France, Spain, Prussia, Republic of Poland, Sweden, Great Britain Light GalleyDescription: try do not use them in battles because they are very weak. You can transport your troops and agents with it (but be sure that routes are safe). They are very fast and agile (they are moving with oars).Fleets: Austria, Ottoman Empire, Prussia, Republic of Poland, Sweden RazeeDescription: pretty good ship mostly because of its durability, speed and agility. The bad thing is that is has very low firepower (similar to Fifth Rate Ships) - but it will be ideal of all player that likes to win battles with speed not strength.Fleets: Austria, Spain, Prussia, Republic of Poland, Great Britain Rocket ShipDescription: Explosive Rockets needed. The are shooting with rockets and they can be useful only to set the fire on the enemy board. The do not have any chances with First and Second Ships of the Line. That's why the always need to have an escort.Fleets: Austria, France, Spain, Prussia, Republic of Poland, Sweden, Great Britain Second Rate Ship of The LineDescription: ship with numerous crew.
It is very good for boarding operations and fights with cannons. It is not as fast as the rest of the vessels but it has more firepower. Second Rate Ships of The Line are also very expensive - but at the cost of the quality.Fleets: Austria, France, Spain, Ottoman Empire, Marat Confederation, Prussia, Republic of Poland, Sweden, Thirteen Colonies, Great Britain Sixth RateDescription: Sixth Rate ships are good only in battles - do not use them for transporting.
They do not have good firepower, but they can be used as a support and to escort of Indiamans. They can be handy at the beginning, later change them with more powerful units.Fleets: Austria, France, Spain, Marat Confederation, Prussia, Republic of Poland, Sweden, Great Britain SloopDescription: very weak vessel that you can build from the beginning. It even less powerful that brigs. I do not recommend to build them, maybe only when you want to keep them at harbours for defensive purposes.Fleets: Austria, France, Spain, Ottoman Empire, Marat Confederation, Prussia, Republic of Poland, Sweden, Thirteen Colonies, Great Britain SteamshipDescription: as you may know this vessel is moving with steam engines.
Its not as fast as many 'wind units' but it can sail even when the wind direction is disadvantageous. It is not very powerful: only fifth and sixth rate ships can be defeated with it.Fleets: Austria, France, Spain, Prussia, Republic of Poland, Sweden, Great Britain Third Rate Ship of The LineDescription: with this ship you can fight only in short distances.
They are good in destroying enemy vessels mostly because of their firepower. You can use the for boarding operations too.Fleets: Austria, France, Spain, Ottoman Empire, Marat Confederation, Prussia, Republic of Poland, Sweden, Thirteen Colonies, Great Britain XebecDescription: these units are very similar to galleys and dhows. XebecsXebecs are very fast (even with headwind) and agile. The bad thing is that they can be destroyed very quickly - hull is not durable. In big groups they can be dangerous, in small - you can destroy some brigs and sloops only.Fleets: Ottoman Empire.
Page Tools.Naval UnitsNaval units are critical to any endeavor to exert control in multiple theaters. Without a powerful navy, overseas colonies can be isolated by your enemies. Both pirates and your more organized enemies will waste no time in blockading your ports and pirating your overseas trade routes if you aren't capable of defending them. During the grand campaign it is not practical to invest in the construction and upkeep of a large navy if your faction isn't required to own regions that are separated by oceans.The best tactic to use with all naval units is to form a single large group and organize the units into the line astern formation, it is a straight line formation available under the formations menu. This formation lines your ships up into a single line leaving only the fore of the first ship and the aft of the last ship open to enemy fire. While in this formation the powerful broadsides of your fleet can overlap and concentrate fire on the opposing force, this is especially true when making wide turns which will allow three or more of your ships to overlap their firing arcs. The biggest danger when using this tactic is having your line broken by fast enemy ships crossing between two of your ships.
As long as you rely on group movement and limit all your individual ship orders this threat will be quite minimal. If the opposing force is using a line astern formation the most reliable tactic is to sail your line parallel to their force and make a sharp turn at the end of their line so at the aft of their line your ships begin a perpendicular pass. This tactic will allow you to maximize the amount of firepower you focus on the single exposed aft area.In naval combat the wind denoted by a large arrow is very important. If your force is composed primarily of large slow warships you should try to maintain your line in a position that will force the enemy to sail against the wind. Naval units are nearly as diverse as infantry however for practical purposes there are only two basic types of naval units.Warships Warships are large naval units that should make up the majority of all major naval forces.
Warships are extremely expensive and require a strong commitment to your navy as you will need a dockyard to build even the most basic of warships. Warship units tend to be far slower and less maneuverable than lighter ships, this is offset by the huge amount of firepower and hull strength each warship boasts. Many of the warship units in Empire: Total War are named in the British royal navy tradition, such as 5th rate ship of the line.Light Ships Light ships is a catch-all category for the various smaller ships available to you.
Light ships despite having much greater maneuverability and speed than warships are generally quickly dispatched in open waters. This inequity makes investing in a large number of light ships a poor proposition.
Empire Total War Map
Light ships should largely be regarded as a stop gap measure to expand your navy temporarily while you wait on the construction of key buildings or research of key technologies necessary for advanced warships.